The Chaos Coordinators!

Chris and Gina have always been social people. Gina talks to strangers in elevators! Chris is “OK” with being the center of attention, if it’s his only option! They have been partners in life for 32 years, have one amazing daughter and one beautiful granddaughter. Being hosts has always been their style. In years past, it would be poker tournaments, wine dinners, surprise celebrations, back yard happy hours…whatever! Now, it’s online social events or group RV campouts. No matter the gathering, Chris & Gina love to see people having fun, meeting others and leaving with more friends than they arrived with.

When Chris & Gina decided to buy an RV in 2016, they never realized how their life would change. They discovered the Airstream brand early on in their shopping and never looked back. They took delivery in June of 2017 and left on a 3 week cross country trip, which lasted 5 months. By the time they returned home, they were hooked! Meeting people during their trip that said to them, “We wish we would have done what you are doing when we were your age” was almost a weekly occurrence. Both of Chris’ parents passed away in their 60’s, Gina’s parents both had major health scares in early 2018. Those experiences and the amazing 2017 trip was the motivation for Chris and Gina to set out for full time RV travel.
Flash forward 7 years and you will see by this site what happens when you leave
Chris & Gina alone for too long! This is not a blog site about their travels (like so many other RVer’s do), but of friendships made through their travels. As you surf through here, look at the images of the groups of people, together having fun, and then join in and participate with the community.
You soon will come to realize, Chris & Gina are sitting back watching with a smile . . .proud they
brought people together and are already planning the next party!