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RVers on Cruise Control 2024 Recap
RVers on Cruise Control? We came, We cruised, We connected! This was obviously a first for The Riveted Fox Community. An event where we came together as RVing friends without our RV’s! That’s right, we all took a Carnival Cruise to the Caribbean! 4 days aboard the Carnival Liberty from Port Canaveral FL with stops…

Cross country to Cajunville!
Our first in-person visit with John & Laurie! We had been friends for almost 6 months and had never met face to face….how does that happen? It happens by participating in our online events for one! The other way is that John & Laurie, (Cajunville) as they go by, are genuinely two of the most…

RV Education Series – Protecting RV’s Electrical System
RV Education Series ~ #2 RV Power with SurgeGuard Guest Speaker: Mike Conway of Southwire / SurgeGuard Mike Conway is the National Sales Manager for Southwire / Surgeguard. Southwire Company is North America’s leading manufacturer of wire and cable used in the distribution transmission of electricity. 15, 20, 120, 30, 50, 100 – Open Neutral,…

Watch Party – RV TV Series . . .
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The Riveted Rendezvous
For over an hour, I’ve been sitting here deciding what to write about this Campout and have concluded, this has to be the hardest post I have ever written! The stars had to align in so many ways to bring us to this point and because of the energy and the emotions, it makes putting…