When we heard one of our loyal group members would not be traveling this summer because of taking a job, we were bummed. Then, we found out he was helping his local park by running their Historic (100 year old) Carousel for the area kids!
As he was telling us about it, you could feel his excitement to be there for the kids, but sadden he would not be camping and getting to meet his new friends on the road this summer.
So, We quickly decided to bring the party to him and coordinated a “Carousel Campout” in Noblesville IN.
The 5 day event sold out fast and now a group of online friends are traveling from all over the country to connect over riding the 1920’s historic “Little Beauty” in Noblesville IN and meet Bob!

Arrival Day! Monday 7/19/21 ~
So many HUGS!!! It felt like Old Friends coming together, even though this was the first time we all had met IN PERSON!

It was truly an amazing feeling to have part of The Riveted Fox tribe together In Person for the first time! Connecting around the Fox Den and sharing stories, like we had known each other for years! Oh wait, we kinda did know each other (Online)! Sweet!

Each morning we had Coffee Chats and on Tuesday 7/20/21 ~
We also had a Waffle Bar! Chris and John made everyone Waffles with a fruit compote and of course whip cream (Squirt! as we like to call it) Better not ask – LOL!

Some of us went Kayaking down the beautiful White River after breakfast. There was quite a bit of excitement when Lucy tipped over, but Chris quickly came to her rescue! What a trooper Lucy is! She swam in the river calmly till she got to the banks and then climbed right back in her boat and was paddling with ease! Very cool! We didn’t escape the river without another mishap though . . . Chris, while trying to capture excellent video of the group paddling the river, did lose his phone in the river! Well, shit happens!

Others biked or hiked in the historic Strawtown Koteewi Park, which was easy access right from our campground. And there were a few that just hung out and chatted with friends.
First Ever Online and In Person Combo Event!
Yes! We held an online Happy Hour for the group members that were unable to attend. This was fabulous! Everyone was able to share with their friends from all over the country their experience so far of The Carousel Campout!

We experienced some amazing Game nights ~ I must say, one can learn a lot about someone when playing games with them! Having Fun Happy Hours is kinda our thing, so we danced, we sang, we laughed, we played Cards Against Humanity! Need I say more?

The Main Event ~ Wednesday 7/21/21
There is such a buzz in the air! Everyone is so excited! We can hardly contain ourselves as we prepare to caravan to Forest Park where we have reserved a Shelter to congregate. Everyone brought a picnic lunch, drinks and were ready to ride the Carousel and play Putt-putt afterwards. We were making a day of it at the Park!

Shortly after arriving, we gathered to ride “Little Beauty”.

It was amazing to watch all these adults act like kids! A few Park officials and some towns people came out to meet us and watch the fiscal, I mean festivities! Our friend Bob kindly came over to tell us about the Carousel and the Park and before long we were ready to ride! Just before we all ran and grabbed a horse or seat Bob stopped us and gave us a tad-bit more info. He informed us with a lovely concerned smile on his face (almost like gritting his teeth) of a weight limit . . . Eeek. . . Whoa, Wait . . . What?!?
Yep! You read that right – here we have a group of 40 grown ass, well fed, stiff backed adults from all across the country to ride a 100 year old historic carousel and we just NOW find out there’s a weight limit. Hell, we are going to have to ride it One At A Time!?!?!?! Oh no, this is going to take all day!
Okay, Okay Bob says ~ let’s try spreading out and only using half the horses ~ that should work. Yeah, that will work he said again . . . like who is he trying to convince?

Well, kidding aside, as you will see by the pics, it went very smoothly and everyone had the best time ever!!! We giggled, we laughed, we rode with pride! It was the most magical experience to share as a Group and we’re so happy to have had this opportunity!
But, the fun didn’t stop there, next some of us found ourselves in some really weird positions. Like who lays down to Putt . . .Tina . . . is who!

After lunch, we surprised the Group with a special guided tour of the Famous Historical Jail/Sheriff’s Residence and Courthouse in downtown Noblesville. The best part – we had the honor of having our guides be . . . the President of the Historical society and the town Historian! How cool was that?

Our group was large, so we divided up and one went to the Jail and the other to the Courthouse. It was truly amazing hearing the history of both and in such details from our guides. Really dislike calling them ‘Guides’, I mean they were/are so much more than that to us, this town and the preservation of all this history. They were so knowledgeable and attentive to our group. I think they might have enjoyed giving the tours to us as much as we all enjoyed listening to them talk. Who knows, maybe they thought we were Kool Kids too!

After grabbing some food and a beer from a local brewery, we headed back to the campground for a little game time at The Fox Den.
The fun never seems to stop this week! The main event may be over but the entertainment and connects are far from it! Starting the morning off on Thursday 7/22/21 with –
All Day Fun at the Pavilion!
Everyone gathered for their next surprise ~ we had a local artist come in for a Painting Class! Oh, this was cool . . . watching how the paintings took on a life of their own – the colors, design touches people added, the concentration, the laughter! Maybe it was talent OR maybe it was the Mimosa and Bloody Mary Bar, but either way it was a fabulous morning with friends!

But our fun didn’t end there . . . it was Bingo Time! Surprise Again!
Not just any Bingo, but Carousel Bingo! Instead of the traditional numbers, we had cards made with sayings, name, funny quotes, places and more. Bob loves playing bingo, so he called out the Bingo for a fun filled game of reminiscing how the group met to exploring the special secret ‘stuff’ we know about each other . . .LOL!

As the week and the Carousel Campout came to a close, we had one last Happy Hour. Chris and I gave a special Thank You to everyone for coming and shout out to those who helped us thought out the week. Also, handed out prizes to the game winners and gave Bob a gift to remember the Group, the Campout and show how much we honor him for making the choice to keep the Carousel running for the kids during the summer.

Good times with great memories! Now, when is the next one . . .?
Safe and Happy Travels, Gina
Maybe you missed it, but you didn’t miss out! We host Meet-ups, Campouts, and both In-person & Online events on a regular bases. Please join us on our next adventure by going to our EVENTS page and finding the right one for you. Drop us a note to let us know you want to join in and before you know it . . . We will all be together!
Update: Short video showing the group riding “Little Beauty” – please give it a Thumbs Up and Subscribe to our channel, if you will. We love comments, so please share what you think about the video summary. Thanks!
Special Thanks to the following, please check their sites out and mention you found them through The Riveted Fox ~ Carousel Campout Blog post. We do not receive anything from them, just want them to know we appreciate all they did to help make this Campout a success! Thanks!
Waffle Breakfast:
YouTube: Carousel Campout – take a few minutes to watch
Check out our Events Calendar for a complete list of our happenings. Who knows, we may be near you! If so, let us know! We would love to meet you!
- Find us on some of the following Social Media Sites:
- The Riveted Fox on YouTube
- The Riveted Fox on Instagram
- The Riveted Fox on FaceBook
- Find our Community Group: On RVillage and Join for Free
Did you know . . . You can help support these Campouts by joining the Fox Den, coming to the events and by purchasing Camp Merch. We truly would like to meet you someday and learn about your life’s journey! Cheers!
This was such a magical week. I loved everything about it. It’s a core memory and the photos really capture how much fun we all had being together for the 1st time. The keepsake pillow is really cool, but the dogs will take it for their blanket fort, I’m sure. Can you make a puzzle? I love doing puzzles in the winter.
Not my fault! I had to lay down…… My ball was stuck in the corner of the little house.