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Band of Oz
Wonderful time last night listening to a classic beach music band from NC. The Band of Oz was formed in 1967 and still has some original members. They play a mix of classic Carolina Beach music, party and feel good music all in their original style. They are such a fun band to watch perform!…

Down a dusty road . . .
Boondocking off a forest Rd near Flagstaff may not be someones first choice of places to camp while in AZ, but it was a welcome reprieve for us. For the most part it was a quite peaceful place, other then the large trucks speeding down the loose graveled road creating dust clouds that could choke…

RV Education Series ~ RV Service
Meet Rob Cochran ofOne Source RV With over 30 years in the RV service industry, Rob is the owner and founder of onesourcerv.com, an RV Industry Association Master Certified RV Technician and a service consultant to the Florida RV Trade Association and RV Technical Institute. Rob has been an avid RVer since 1993 and is…

RVers on Cruise Control 2024 Recap
RVers on Cruise Control? We came, We cruised, We connected! This was obviously a first for The Riveted Fox Community. An event where we came together as RVing friends without our RV’s! That’s right, we all took a Carnival Cruise to the Caribbean! 4 days aboard the Carnival Liberty from Port Canaveral FL with stops…

We Held a Get Together!
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