Imagine this . . . Camping at the foot of the Blue Ridge Mountains, connecting with remarkable people, listening to toe tapping music, experiencing crazy games, profoundly sensational campfire chats, belly roll laughing, and creating friendships to last a lifetime!
We Did It!
We hosted a mini Rally, Fox on the Run Jamboree in Marion, a small town in Western NC, close to The Blue Ridge Parkway with Asheville not far away. Other Local attractions include Linville Caverns, Grandfather Mountain & Mt. Mitchell, the highest peak in the eastern United States. Anyone who wanted to explore the area had Tuesday to do so, well, after breakfast! We served everyone a delicious Waffle Breakfast with Fruit and Whipped Cream Topping then sent them on their way for a day of exploration.
There were some 40 RV’s and 70 people who attended the 4 nights and 5 days of FUN and connection! What a blast! Most of those in attendance we had met through the RV platform, RVillage, and others we have met while on the road, but we all have the love of RVing in common. There were two Ladies that joined us from just being in the Campground and seeing how much fun we were all having! How cool was that!?!
Each day brought something new and fun, but one day . . .

Wednesday, we held a Chicken Shit Bingo Game! You read it right! Chicken Shit Bingo! But what the hell is that you ask? The low down is . . . we made a large Bingo board of 25 numbers on the floor within a large cage of chicken wire, then we bet on a number. Once all bets were made ~ Hold On. When we say bets, we mean we set up two identical tables and everyone could place their name on one number. If they wanted to have a chance of winning part of the pot then they could bet – $1 only – at one table and if they were just playing for fun and didn’t want to bet then they placed their name at the 2nd table.

Once a round was over and winner declared, part of the pot went to the “Ladies” and then other spilt between any winners. Ok back to the game ~ Once bets were made, we added chickens to the cage. One at a time, a “Lady” would be placed inside the cage then the group could throw feed into the cage for them, talk to them, even bark at them (yes, that happened) anything to try and coax the chicken to head towards the number they bet on. Then ~ we waited for the moment . . . the moment of Chicken Shitting on a number to declare a WINNER! We then repeated the process a few more times. Really exciting times! Never would we have thought that sometime in our lives we would cheer for a Chicken to take a dump in front of us, but We Did It! There you have it, Chicken Shit Bingo played in the Mountains of NC with The Riveted Fox Community at the Fox on the Run Jamboree!
We give special Thanks to Ed Speer from Sweet Betsy Farms for bringing his “Ladies” out to play! Everyone was super surprised and excited about this Bingo game! One they will never forget, we bet!
On Thursday, we had a “Top Chef” cook along with our good friends John and Laurie of Cajunville. Everyone was invited to join in on this “Hands on Class” learning how to make Pimento Cheese. Some mixed along, some watched, but for the ones that mixed with us, we surprised them with their very on Chefs Hats! As they came in to set up their table of ingredients and prepare, we handed them a Chefs Hat and had them write their “Chef Name, Saying, or Drawing” on the front and they wore them during the cooking class. They looked amazing! Cajunville then showed everyone how to make Pimento Cheese, which is a very popular spread in NC. It is used for dips, on sandwiches, in sauces and more. The best part is we were able to taste test everyone’s mix and they were all so delicious! Thank you John and Laurie for this awesome cooking class! Great Job everyone!

Later in the afternoon, we gathered for games! Friendly competitions, but lots of fun and laughs! We even had a Special Guest show up by the Campfire one night ~ Lenny! For those of you who remember our Breaking News Interview with Lenny sometime back, Lenny is our Celebrity (Puppet) Dog. He lives on a farm in Florida and shares his adventures with us from time to time. We Love Lenny!!!

Each day offered a chance to connect and get to know each other with Walks, Happy Hours, Games, Music and even nightly Campfires. Even on Friday, we all enjoyed another NC staple with Hit the Road, BoJangles Biscuits! After our BoJangles breakfast biscuits and was time to say . . . See you down the road!
We truly hope you had a great time!
We Thank You ALL for joining us at The Fox on the Run Jamboree in Marion, NC and Thank You for being a Big part of our Community and the Group on RVillage! Mostly though . . . Than you for consistently participating in our shenanigans! Your love & support means more than we could ever put in words and for that we give a BIG THANK YOU with many HUGS!
Now, Who’s ready for the next one . . . .
Maybe you missed it, but you didn’t miss out! We host Meet-ups, Campouts, Jamborees, and both In-person & Virtual Get Togethers on a regular bases. Please join us on our next adventure by going to our EVENTS page and finding the right one for you. Drop us a note to let us know you want to join in and before you know it . . . We will all be together!
Update: The Fox on the Run Jamboree Video is up on YouTube – please give it a Thumbs Up and Subscribe to our channel, if you will. We love comments, so please share what you think about the video summary. Thanks!
Special Thanks to the following, please check their sites out and tell them you found them through The Riveted Fox ~ Fox on the Run Jamboree Blog post. We do not receive anything from them, just want them to know we appreciate them! Thanks!
Location: Tom Johnson Campground – Rally Field
Honey and Chickens: Sweet Betsy Farm – Ed and Helen Speers
Cooking Demo: Cajunville
Lenny’s U-Pick Farm: JGRanch in Brooksville FL
Breakfast Biscuits: BoJangles in Marion NC
YouTube: Fox on the Run Video Summary
Check out our Events Calendar for the complete list of our Virtual and In Person happenings. Who knows, we may be near you! We would love to meet you!
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- The Riveted Fox on YouTube ~
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- Find our Community Group: On RVillage and Join for Free
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