Summer Fun at the Beach
with our AWESOME Granddaughter!

Splash Pad Fun!
We camped at Daddy Joe’s again ~ Mainly because it has the splash pad!

Fiora really likes the water and she loves Nay Nay and Papaw playing with her!
As you can see in the pics above, we spent many hours at the splash pad.
Some weekends they offer a huge slide and we got lucky this weekend . . .

The slide was a huge hit with the little kids and Big kids alike!!
Right in the campground is a little mini golf course.
It was a great way to spend the evening after dinner.

Watermelon & Ice Cream
YES, Please!!

Both were so YUMMY!
Looks like Fiora ate too much, but it was hard to stop!
Just look at Chris . . . it was so hot . . . he melted!!
~ Bike Ride ~
Let’s ride so we can have more ice cream tomorrow!!

Down Time
Is Good Too!
Relaxing while building Lego or just sitting in the shade ~ both are good ways to relax!
BUT, when you are a kid that never wants to miss anything, sometimes you go until . . .
Well, until you just collapse and fall asleep on the picnic table!!
She is too cute!!

4th of July 2017
After playing from sun up to mid afternoon, we decided to chill for a bit
before going to watch the Fireworks down by the beach.
Problem is . . . Papaw thought it was decided, but Fiora . . . is just being Fiora!

Beach Play
We got in one day at the beach before heading home.
We built sand castles and jumped a few waves!
Fiora even tried catching fish with her net!

Amusement Rides
On our last night, we stopped by the amusement park after dinner.
She wasn’t sure at first about the rides, but soon she was riding and having fun!
Papaw, may have had some convincing going on.

Jacks Up
Time to Hit the Road
After Breakfast, we took Fiora to the Camp Store to buy her special souvenirs.
She had so much fun looking around and deciding what she really wanted.
She came out with a stuff animal and Sand Art! We let her make the sand art while we had the
big tables at the store. She loved picking the colors, but it did take all three of us
to get the layers to work! HaHa, it was tons of fun!

We had a great time!
Love You Fiora!!!
Thanks for hanging with Nay Nay and Papaw!
Maybe next time Mimi and Pops will come with us!!
The beach is our favorite place, so we will bring you back soon.
Thanks for reading!
See you down the road,
Gina and Chris