The Riveted Fox Group loves hanging together and especially Campouts! So, when Candy, one of our members shared she had reserved a private loop in a COE Park on a lake in SC, we jumped in and created the Shenanigans on the Lake Campout. The camp loop was very nice with only 22 sites and all waterfront! Just coming off The Riveted Rendezvous in Florida, it was a nice way to have some relaxing, more intimate time with each other. As you read this (should I have left something out), please know that any omissions on my part was strictly by accident and please send me a message and let me know.
The Shenanigans all started as Candy greeted everyone at the gate with treats! She handed out Water Guns and it was game on! There were lots of Shenanigans going on all weekend from sneaking up on people to down right street fight stand offs! Lots of good clean (water) fun! She also handed out Bubble wands ~ lots of bubbles! Should have seen Chris ‘target practicing’ by shooting at the bubbles, but hitting the crowd. I (Gina) was able to take down Tom in a surprise attack one afternoon, but he geared up for a night time retaliation! Hmmm, what do you think, was I in trouble or did I prevail? Thanks Candy – Great idea and tons of fun!

Are you in . . . to Water Sports?
Need a good Paddling?

There was a really nice beach area where everyone could swim and put kayaks in the lake, which we left sitting on the beach for all to enjoy at any time. We had our 2 boats and another group member, Greg, was kind enough to bring his 2. It was really exciting to watch as people would take them out for a paddle around the peninsula, for some it was their first time paddling, plus weather was perfect! Watching the flock of birds flying off the water each morning was pretty meditative and you can see some of them just over Chris’ head. Oh no, Watch out ladies! Chris looks like he may be up to no good!
Party in a Box!

Talk about the ultimate float . . . Candy, brought the party in a box with her! No joke, this was a mac-daddy of floats with is own bathroom! There were lounges, couches, covered areas, tanning areas, place to hold your cooler, A Cooler, an anchor, dip in the water area, and a swim up bar! See, a party in a box! We enjoyed it daily and would still be enjoying it, but like all good things, eventually we had to get out of the water. It’s okay, we moved on to our next event, but not before Chris and Greg “played” their paddles and sang to us! Candy sure seems to be relaxing to their songs or she’s just one happy camper enjoying this lake life. Maybe the Sun was getting to them or maybe . . . we were all just having a GREAT TIME on the Water!

Take a Dip?
All week the temps were great for water play. Sun out, dry, light to no wind, until . . . the night planned to wear our Birthday Suits for group Skinny Dipping! Out of no where, it rained and turned cold! Then heated back up the next day. WTH? We were ALL looking so forward to this special night. Right, everyone was looking forward to this? Well, no worries, there is always next time!
Let’s hang Out . . .
Morning Coffee Chats are the best! Some morning we may have 5 or 6 people join us other mornings it maybe be a dozen or two, either way they are such a great way to start the day! It is like our Talking Stick nights, we talk about anything and everything and don’t remember a damn thing! But, we do love waking up to find our friends sitting just outside our door, drink in hand and ready to get their smile on! Ok, it doesn’t have to be coffee, it’s always been and will always be your . . . drink of choice! No judgment here, but we may ask for a little shot of that Baileys. Big Thank You again to Marc, he went out and got donuts early one morning for the group! So yummy!

Bow – Wow
We feel like Candy has started something great with her “Ruff”ians morning dog pack and play! She did it again at the Shenanigans Campout by introducing the dogs, sharing treats and letting them have some paw-some play time! Thanks again Candy for the time and energy you put into this wonder-fur event! Most all the dogs ‘pets’ came out to play! ?

Lakeside Crafts
It’s always fun to see what Marcia comes up with for the Campout Crafts, she never disappoints and this wasn’t any different! She showed us how to take a plain hanger and turn it into a really elegant one by wrapping it with ribbons! It was really interesting and simple to do, but looked really pretty when completed. Did you know, you can use old containers to make bags holders? Well, Marcia did and she also showed us a quick and easy way to make them. Thank you Marcia for once again amazing us with your crafting talent. Can’t wait to see what she comes up with at our next Campout! If you have a craft to share, let us know! Maybe when you join us at some of our events, you could teach us your craft! Everyone – yes, everyone (even the guys) love the crafting events.

Lights, Camera, Action
Impromptu movie night offered from Ken and Ara! Since the weather turn too cold for us to take a “Dip”, they played the movie, ‘RV’, outside their RV for anyone who wanted to enjoy a relaxing movie night. They even had popcorn! Thank you both for setting this up and sharing with the group. Of course, had they not had their awning out then they would have all been soaked from Chris and Tom shooting water guns over the rig. Good call there Ken!

Signature Happy Hours!
Lost Virginity . . .
There’s always a first time for everything and this was our first time hosting a Campout Poker Run – Walk! Maintaining our enjoyment of exercise and keeping everyone young and limber, we started at The Fox Den with putting a Quarter (the winner had to win something!) in the pot, then we walked around the loop (getting to see others Rigs/sites): only stoping at 3 other sites for cards, then ending at The Fox Den for the final card and to announce the Winner! Everyone seemed to really enjoy this ‘new’ adventurous activity, so be on the look out for us to do it again at another Campout. The Winner of the 1st ever Riveted Fox Poker Walk was . . . Tom! He won with 2 Pair – Kings and 6’s with an Ace! Congratulations Tom, you won $7 and a nice walk around the park! Cheers!

Shag . . . in Public?
We continue to enjoy this part of our days where we can kick back, relax, maybe enjoy a drink or two and socialize with our friends – WAIT, that’s not right! This is a time to DANCE! Chris and I held a Shag Class complete with awesome Carolina Beach music! Chris shared some of the History behind the famous Carolina dance called ‘The Shag’ then taught the beginning steps. Even though it was hard for some of us (women) to allow the men to lead, we eventually let them have this one (just kidding, guys) and before long the group was Shagging, singing, laughing and having fun!

What do you do with all the pandemic TP you bought and could never use up in your life time? You use it to play a game of course! It takes team work, but if we haven’t discovered anything else about this group, the one thing they do well is work together! Two teams squared off to see who could get to the center of the roll first and Congratulations goes to Team 1 for unrolling the Big Win! At least on this game, if you are laughing to hard, you’ve got some TP in hand!

Don’t worry, the fun didn’t stop there! Everyone stayed with their team and we went for game 2. In pure Shenanigans spirit, we went for Water Play! This was really entertaining to watch! Taking one cup of water at a time, passing it down the line by going over your head and to ultimately fill a bucket in the end. Can you believe (it was very close) Team 1 did it again, but only by like a half cup! Congratulations Team 1 and to all that played! You all are awesome sports!

Needless to say . . . there was a little water gun and maybe a bucket or two of action happening too! Doesn’t it look like Greg is wearing a skirt? Well, Joan (aka Umsy) took some of the TP and gave him boobs to help him complete his look.

Mama Said What?
Oh the games we play . . . Dana (a very loyal group member, who didn’t get to come to this Campout), sent us a game and we introduced it at one of the Happy Hours here. We laughed so hard . . . we about peed in our shorts! You would have too, if you had been there. With such a diverse group from all over the country attempting to speak in “their version” of Southern, it became one belly roll laugh after another! Thank you Dana, for the gift of this game! Really wish you could have been here to experience the fun in playing it! It was a close run between Marcia and Mac, but in the end Mac prevailed and Just Like Mama use to say ~ “You’re more Southern than . . . A truck full of chickens . . . at a Free Petting Zoo!”

Looking for S’more?
In The Riveted Fox tradition, evenings wouldn’t be the same without Music! Sitting by a campfire with friends, listening to music is the bomb, but then Candy walks up to the fire with S’mores! She just ROCKS! We talked, we played, we sang, we ate yummy S’mores and just had the best time connecting! Love you ALL!

In summary, this was the perfect little Campout! Why? Because of the awesome group of people there, parked on beautiful lake front sites, perfect for swimming, boating, and/or floating, enjoying happy hours, games, campfires music, dancing, crafts, movie night, biking, water play and amazing sunsets to end each day!
RVers from all across the country joined in on the Shenanigans and for some this was their first time! We hope all enjoyed their Shenanigans on the Lake Campout and will join us at more and more events!
Speaking of more events . . . . Up Next is the Riveted Rougarou Roundup! This will be a true Louisiana experience and tickets are limited for this one. Be sure to grab your place before they are all Sold Out! This event is sure to be one you will never forget!
Thank you Candy for finding this campground and offering it to the group, but also for your awesomeness of bringing water guns, bubbles, party barge, S’mores and so much more! You are so amazing and we are so honored to have you as a Group member, but more as a friend! Thank you ALL for trusting us (again) to host your Campout and provide fun an amazing activities for the group. We aim to please and our door/ear is always open, so if you have a recommendation, suggestion and/or a location idea, please send us an email and let us know.
Until next time, Safe and Happy Travels!
Cheers, G

Special Thanks to Candy for finding this amazing Campground and inviting us to host a Campout here. Thank you for all your time, effort and even for the water guns and super cool party barge!
Maybe you missed it, but you didn’t miss out! We host Meet-ups, Campouts, and both In-person & Online events on a regular basis. Please join us on our next adventure by going to our EVENTS page and finding the right one for you. Drop us a note to let us know you want to join in and before you know it . . . We will all be together!
Never miss an event – Subscribe to our Calendar and receive all the exciting happenings right in your in box! Who knows, we may be near you! If so, we would love to meet you!
- Find us on some of the following Social Media Sites:
- The Riveted Fox on YouTube
- The Riveted Fox on Instagram
I spent two vacations at TwinLakes campground on Lake Hartwell last year. The campground is to die for. It is one of the best campgrounds I have ever run across and the cost, with a Golden Age Passport, cannot be beat. I would recommend it 100%. From Farmville, VA
This was an absolutely amazing place. I loved my campsite. I loved the company. The dogs got to play with their friends every single day. I can hardly wait for the next one, but this was truly the highlight of my whole year (2022). Thank you so much, Chris and Gina for planning all the fun activities. I would never have bothered without y’all and I truly enjoyed myself!