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Meet Rob Cochran ofOne Source RV With over 30 years in the RV service industry, Rob is the owner and founder of onesourcerv.com, an RV Industry Association Master Certified RV Technician and a service consultant to the Florida RV Trade Association and RV Technical Institute. Rob has been an avid RVer since 1993 and is…

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Carousel Campout
When we heard one of our loyal group members would not be traveling this summer because of taking a job, we were bummed. Then, we found out he was helping his local park by running their Historic (100 year old) Carousel for the area kids! As he was telling us about it, you could feel…
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You know what I like most about this group? Looking back through pictures from over a year ago, I don’t have see a bunch of people I think, I wonder whatever happened to them. I see these photos and think, I need to remember to tell so and so about something or other on the Talking stick next Thursday. I don’t believe I have ever had this many friends at one time in my entire life. Thank you Chris & Gina for everything. I’m closer to some than others but there’s always next Campout to forge those bonds.