Holidays In The Desert
We RV Here
Yearend Campout!
Quartzsite AZ ~ Dec. 20, 2022 ~ Jan. 2, 2023

Holidays alone would be . . . well, BORING! So, for FUN this year, we held a 2 week campout event
over the holidays for any RV’er, Tent’er, Jeep’er, Van’er, Campers – ANYONE who chose to be
with friends (and/or make new ones). Excited RVers descended to the sunny desert
of Quartzsite, AZ for a December to Remember Holidays In The Desert Campout!
As one would expect from us and our Campouts, there were lots of opportunities for
connections to be made with friends (new & old). The (we RV here) Riveted Fox Den events were so
amazing, other campers from near by asked to join our Party and Campout

Set Up Time
Boondocking at it’s Finest!
Totally off-grid RV boondocking and Chris is on a ladder hanging lights . . . again! Yes! Chris Fox, our fearless
community leader, has once again climbed the ladder of . . . Don’t get to excited, but he once again strung lights,
lights and more lights on this totally RVing unplugged campout! Our Airstream carried the two week
events (Lights, Music, Virtual Zooms, Movies, Announcements and more) power needs with the solar
and lithium batteries we have (no generator needed). It was pretty cool!
Early arrivals strolling around helped with setting up the fire pits (3 to be exact),
bringing in wood, stringing lights, creating a parking plan and so much more!
Love how this community works together! It’s going to be a fun 2 weeks ~ you’ll see!

Soon after set-up, it was time to gather for a pre-campout happy hour and watch the sunset.
All those who came in early were there to CHEERS the first of many many nights of FUN!

Ready ~ Let the Fun Begin
RVs started rolling in the next morning and once
everyone was parked, we all headed in to Quartzsite for . . .
Pizza & Beer!
Starting this campout Off Right!
Local Quartzite favorite, Silly Al’s Restaurant, makes the best pizza and
Thom and Anna (Q’s King & Queen) had pre-arranged for our group take over.
It was an amazing night of connecting and the perfect way
to start our two week Holidays in the Desert Campout!

Craving a pizza, yet? We had every type of pizza you could imagine on our table and even Spaghetti!
Originals like ~ Cheese, Pepperoni, Meat Supreme, Veggie Supreme, and get this one . . .
Jalapeño Peppers,Sauerkraut, Sausage or Pepperoni and Double Cheese~ is called a LEW’s Special!
Have you ever been to Silly Al’s in Quartzsite or have a special Pizza of Choice?
Share with us in the comments, we would love to know!
Daily Happenings in the
Festive Fox Den . . .
Each morning started with Coffee Chats by the campfires in The Fox Den!
It was a great start to the day and most often this is when everyone decided what they wanted to do for the day.
By the time the Holidays In The Desert Campout was over, we had experienced
the following connections and activities together:
So many fun times shared by all who attended!
Happy Hours ~ Cheers!
Afternoon Drinks with Friends
EVERYDAY we gathered with our Drink of Choice by The Fox Den!
We shared our days experiences, told stories, laughed and connected with friends.
As the HOURS (why limit it to just one) ticked away, our little community in the desert of Quartzsite grew and bonded.

Spectacular Sunsets!
Breathtaking Sky Preformances
So many evenings were filled with beautiful Sunsets.
Now to be clear, there was some pre-drinking going on at our daily Happy hours, but
it didn’t stop us from raising a glass to the majestic masterpiece in the sky!
Cheers to another day shared with good friends!

Exploring ~ Off-Road
4×4 Jeeping with Friends
Open invitation ~ Anyone who wanted to go exploring or off-roading could jump in with Carl, Laurenne or Kris
and spend a few hours adventuring the back roads, mountains, hills, rocks, petroglyphs and more!
Those of us who took to the Jeeps had so much fun!

Campfire Painting
Making It Look Easy!
Even in the small town of Quartzsite there is a place one can escape the heat (well, cold in our case) and paint!
Anna and Melissa had been here several times and so when they asked if some of the
community wanted to go paint . . . We said yes!
Have you ever painted a complete pic on canvas under a time limit? Try it sometime, it really is fun.
You know that nerve racking, this is hard, I’ll never finish in time, theirs looks better than mine,
how do I do this, what color do I use, which brush did you say use, wait, wait, wait I’m not done, kinda FUN!

Metal Detecting
Treasure Hunting in the Desert
Carl and Laurenne love metal detecting and were very excited to share their talents with the community.
Carl hid a few “treasures” in the desert and after doing a demo, he took us out to “play”!
Those who wanted to learn this entertaining trade were able to hunt across the desert to find coins and trinkets.
It was really interesting to learn about the different “beeps or sounds” and their meanings.
Have you ever tried metal detecting? Share your experience in the comments, we’d like to know. Thanks!

The Gold Standard
Prospecting in Q!
Tables are set – Pans are ready – Laurenne comes bearing DIRT!
Our own desert rats, Laurenne and Carl, brought gold panning tools with them to the Party!
Talk about addicting . . . find one spec of gold and you’re hooked with it’s simple atavistic draw.
Just ask Cindy! Cindy, Cindy, where are you? Cindy. CINDY! Ok she must still be out panning!

Campfire & Music
Awe, the RV life ~ Nightly Campfires
Campfires in The Fox Den seem to be all the rage with this community and we aim not to disappoint!
But first let’s get something straight . . .
There is but ONE FIRE MASTER . . .

Thom is the campfire building Master Extraordinaire – Not Chris, No, No, No – We never let Chris touch a Campfire!
With that said, we had the best campfires over the two week campout!
Thom kept the fires flaming well into the night and Chris keep the music flowing!
The two made a great team!

Quartzsite & Hi Jolly!
Breakfast, Ice Cream, Graves, Camels, Happy Hour and Jail, Oh My!
Who knows what you will find in Quartzsite at any given time, but here are a few things this RVing Community found!
From breakfast fun to exploring the craziness around this small town, little bit of mischief is good for the soul!
Good Morning – Coffee Anyone?

Who Screams for Ice Cream?

RIP Hi Jolly!

Camels ~ Hump Hump!
Yep, We Rode Them!
It has been determined that . . . You NEVER know what this group may do!
When we heard Camels were an option, we jumped on the humps and rode them around! So much fun!
Check it out. YOU just can’t miss one of our Campouts, never know what we will do next!

The Yacht Club ~ Pre-Happy Hour!

The Jail House
Let Me Out, Let Me Out!
Lock the Door ~ Hurry!
Dean, must still be there . . . we haven’t seen him in days!

S’more Campfire Fun ~ Back at Camp!
Tunes, Cheers, Dancing . . . Playing an Axe. . . Really?
Oh, The Freedom of RVing!

Adult Day Care ~ Beer Belly’s
Happy Hour BEFORE going for Pizza – AGAIN!
This group is not bashful about their Happy Time . . . and definitely will not miss an Hour!
This is why ~ weRVhere!

What does a Fisherman, a Tank and a Bar have in common?
BOUSE – An Afternoon of Exploration!

Connecting with Friends ~ Virtually
Bringing The Riveted Fox Community Together!
It’s important for us to keep the community members connecting with one another, so we held an
Online Zoom for those who couldn’t make it to the Holidays In The Desert Campout!
We wanted to let them know we missed them & wished they were with us!

Other Riveted Fox Activities
Games, Rock Painting, and Target Shooting

HI TEA ~ Anyone . . . ?
Warning ~ This IS Dangerous!
Little sip of this ~ Little sip of that ~ Little more of this and a lot more of that
and before long it’s . . . well, empty!
Can’t share any more than that . . . or was it this? Hey, which is it ~ this or that?
Hey, Hey Hello, is there anyone who knows . . . ? H e l l o o o o o……

Movie Night Fun!
You’ll Shoot Your Eye Out Kid!
Twas the night before . . . Bloody Mary’s and Mimosa’s
and all were watching a movie classic for sure,
with popcorn and booze to keep us all warm.
Our spirits are high
and our friends are near by,
As we all listen to Chris’ contagious laughing,
it just makes us want to cry!
Before long the movie comes to an end
and with that we all head to bed !

Bloody Mary and Mimosa
Kinda Morning!
Cheers! Beautiful Morning For A(nother) Drink
What a way to wake up! Carl set up his famous Bloody Mary bar and
we added some Hawaiian Mimosa’s and the next thing you know. . .
It’s a Party!

Even the little spiders came out to party!
Ok, a not so little but still cute, Tarantula!
An End to a Great Year!
Saying goodnight to 2022 ~ we partied the night away!
One final exquisite sunset, as 2022 fades into the night.

Happy New Year Campfire Party!
Farewell to 2022 and all the experiences it has brought us.
Ringing in 2023 with some really amazing people in the middle of
the desert is extraordinary! Everyone enjoyed dancing, singing, telling stories,
preforming poems, roasting marshmallows and even a very special visit from Lenny!!
What an amazing way to celebrate! Happy Trails ahead!

Cheers! ~ Hello 2023 ~
The Riveted Fox Community is the BEST RVing Community
Holidays in the Desert Campout
was such an amazing and unique campout – Like No Other!
To those who attended, we Thank You!
To those who were not there, we Missed You!
But, we wish you the best in 2023 and look forward to
seeing you ALL at the next campout!
Cheers Friends!

Thank You for reading AND for being part of our RVing life experience!
The Riveted Fox Community completed another spectacular
We RV Here campout with the Holidays in the Desert event.
Wish more RVers could have joined us and experienced
this event, but never fear . . . there will be another one soon!
We Love Ya!
Safe & Happy Travels,
Chris and Gina Fox

Otherworldly things may or may not have happened here.
It will remain a mystery ~ those who were here . . . will NEVER tell.
Disclaimer: Over exaggeration of drinking events is possible. Everyone chooses their drink of choice and non-alcohollic drinks are always served and yummy too. No one drinks or drives and everyone is over the age of 25. Respect is shown to those participating that are non-drinkers and/or have issues with drinking. As adults, each person is responsible solely for themselves and formally acknowledges this before attending one or any of our events.