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F.A.M.E = Friends And Memories Everywhere!
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Shenanigans on the Lake
The Riveted Fox Group loves hanging together and especially Campouts! So, when Candy, one of our members shared she had reserved a private loop in a COE Park on a lake in SC, we jumped in and created the Shenanigans on the Lake Campout. The camp loop was very nice with only 22 sites and…
It’s a school . . . for Miners!
On a chilly morning in Quartzite recently we took a 100+ mile ATV ride thru the desert with our friends Mike & Lesia. Destination….Swansea Mining Ghost Town! You can learn more about Swansea from this link… Special thanks go out to our friend Bill, he has been coming to these parts for many…
Punch Recipe Ideas for the Holidays
Punch Recipes and Traditions were shared last night LIVE on our Punch Drunk Virtual Get Together! There was a lively discussion about the various types of punch, particularly during holidays gatherings, weddings, and parties, served from those with alcohol and those without and some with ice cream or sherbet while others were served warm. We…
Foxes ~ Chickens ~ Cajuns ~ Campfire ~ Puppets ~ Bingo!
Imagine this . . . Camping at the foot of the Blue Ridge Mountains, connecting with remarkable people, listening to toe tapping music, experiencing crazy games, profoundly sensational campfire chats, belly roll laughing, and creating friendships to last a lifetime! We Did It! We hosted a mini Rally, Fox on the Run Jamboree in…
15 and Done!
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