Each year we hold a Holiday Contest for The Riveted Fox Community and having done the Ugly Sweater Contest and Crazy over boarding of most Lights in a Zoom Window, this year we held the Tacky Ornament Contest!
We posted the following in the event listing:
Everyone likes Christmas Balls and other assorted Holiday ornaments…that is until they participate in our Tacky Ornament Contest! Make your most crazy, ugly, inappropriate, obscure or just plain “tacky” Holiday Ornament and bring it to the event. Judging will happen LIVE and we will celebrate the “best” member at making the “worst” ornament!
Warning: There are some really “Tacky” ornaments below.
View with caution! lol

We had everything from store bought ornaments to handmade.

Some were gifted ~ Some took effort.

Even couples competed against each other!

One used dentures found in their bathroom . . . Hmmmm?
While another showed off their family tradition ornament!

Santa came to play with his ~ well let’s just say “Now we know why he reads to much!”
Then we had some crazy Cali folks using items found in their car! Makes you wonder how an anklet was “lost” between the seats. Gotta love California!
Congratulations to the Big Winners!

But the ones who took it down and
rolled in with the BIG WIN were
Tina and Bob
Winning with their Food Porn!
Potato balls (complete with butthole back!) with a little carrot penis and topped off with a white ribbon for hanging!
We had such a fun night of connecting with others, enjoying the laughter.and creating friendships.
It is always nice to have everyone LIVE with us for these events, but maybe you couldn’t make it this time.
We hope you will make it on LIVE with us next time. We would love to see you there!
Feel free to leave a comment below and let us know about any “tacky” ornaments you might have and should you
share this Blog post on Social Media sites, please tag @therivetedfox so we can give your post some love too.
Happy Holidays!

Almost forgot . . . here is our Tacky Ornament.
Fun dancing party pig!
Thank you for reading!
Chris and Gina