Our first in-person visit with John & Laurie!
We had been friends for almost 6 months and had never met face to face….how does that happen? It happens by participating in our online events for one! The other way is that John & Laurie, (Cajunville) as they go by, are genuinely two of the most wonderful people we have ever met. How could we not be friends immediately!
They had offered to do LIVE cooking demos on our online events several months prior and it had been going well, very well! Their Oct. dish was slated to be Cajun Jambalaya and it was going to take several hours to prepare. We decided to have it on a Saturday afternoon so everyone attending online could settle in for the duration and enjoy a nice event. We just happened to be boondocking in Moab UT when that decision was made. Doing EPIC stuff is in our blood and we really wanted to surprise everyone that would be logged into the event so we decided to be there in person. It was only 1500 miles or so….no big deal! We did let John & Laurie know we were coming but they did not believe us….until we rolled in to their campground!
We had a wonderful visit that first night and since we had already been friends for months there was no downtime in getting to know each other….but we did get to know each other even more. Also, the cooking event was awesome! Everyone was so surprised we were there together, we cooked along with them outside, the weather was great and the food was delicious! We learned how to make Jambalaya for vegetarians and it turned out wonderful. Crossing the country was so worth it! We are sure we will be visiting Cajunville again real soon!