Simple & Easy Homemade Pies
for the Holidays baked LIVE Virtually
with Gina & The Chef’s Hat Group
Last night we hosted a fun Baking Season LIVE Cooking show with The Chef’s Hat group!
We were out of our Rig and in the home of my (Gina) parents, so we had the pleasure of using their kitchen.
My darling Mom joined us when it was time to slice the pies . . . Hmmmm, thinking she had planned that all along!
Anyway, we had fun mixing, baking, laughing and then eating the yummy pies LIVE via Zoom together.
If you missed it, well, you missed it. Yep, that’s right.
Being out of our norm , not only did we not Live Stream, BUT we also forgot to hit record. Oops!
Yes it really sucks on so many levels, but mainly because of a missed opportunity of having
my beautiful Mom on screen with me. Would she ever be impromptu and walk on with us again?
No, probably not. Although for those who did join us LIVE, they had the chance to meet a very special lady.
As for my Mom, she enjoyed every second of crashing our LIVE Baking Zoom and has been nonstop telling all her friends!
For those of you who were there, THANKS for making her feel special.
Ok, Now Simple & Easy Pies . . .
We made a total of three pies. One Pecan Coconut Pie (which we had to bake) and while it was
baking we made two (yes, 2) really simple Pineapple Pies. Both recipes are super easy and only
take 5 min to prepare and less than an hour total time to complete.
I’m posting my recipes below to share with our community.
If you make either or both of the Pies, please let me know in the comments below.
First Recipe ~ PeCoconut Pie
This pie is so easy, you just have to mix and bake!
Wait, did we just come up with a new hit phrase . . . Mix and Bake! I like it!
Let’s make a hashtag – it will go viral – don’t you think? LOA. Ok, enough playing around.
It really is a very easy pie, but I have a few tips to share that I think you’ll like too.
Tips & Tricks for making PeCoconut Pie
Hope these tips and tricks are useful, but even if you just throw everything in the bowl and
mix it well enough you will still have a really yummy pie in the end.
Mix & Bake

Second Recipe ~ Pineapple Pie
Simple and easy pie recipe number two! This recipe is even easier! It’s a . . . Mix and Done!
Ok, ok I really had that strange announcer voice going on in my head when I typed this.
What is happening here? Pure craziness! We are going to get through this! ~ breathe ~
Really, I’m just stalling because the pie recipes are so easy that I could have just posted
the recipe, not typed anything and you would have made them perfectly and all would
have been fine ~ BUT ~ how boring would that have been? B o r i n g, very boring!
Instead, I’ll give you a few tips and tricks and hopefully they will be
usefull in other recipes as well. So it goes a few more:
Tips & Tricks for making Pineapple Pies
See super simple and I listed one option to using in a pie, but would love to hear from you and what you come up with.
Mix & Done

Let’s be baking friends! If you try our recipes please leave a comment here and let us know. By sharing your experience, variations and insights, we learn new ways as well as our readers pick up helpful ideas too.. If you share on Social Media sites, please tag @therivetedfox so we can give your post some love too.
Happy Baking!
Thank you for reading!
Gina (and Chris)
Wow! Those pies were awesome! I made a huge mess though. Because I dropped one in the middle of everything. Bounced off the ottoman. Still cleaning up 1 day later.
Super happy you enjoyed them! Sometimes making a mess is fun!! Bet your fur babies enjoyed helping with the clean up…lol.