Winter’s Dark Moon

While waiting on the New Year of 2025
to arrive, I sit here in my Airstream home
reflecting on the end of another year.
The darkness of night is strong as the last
dark moon of 2024 is upon us.
Tonight brings forth a time of reflecting on a
profound journey of resilience, love, grace
and meaning in this ever changing world.
I find myself experiencing peace and
enlightenment in honoring those lost,
a knowing for those that are true,
and even exploring the landscape of the soul
for those untrustworthy or dishonest.
All this brings to the forefront a discovering of
my own power to calmly move forward, ready
to face any challenges the new year may bring.
Enjoy this poem by Patricia Monaghan
and see what you notice . . .
Winter Woman
When winter comes to a woman’s soul, she withdraws into her inner self, her deepest spaces.
She refuses all connection, refutes all arguments that she should engage in the world.
She may say she is resting, but she is more than resting: She is creating a new universe within herself, examining
and breaking old patterns, destroying what should not be revived, feeding in secret what needs to thrive.
Winter women are those who bring into the next cycle what should be saved.
They are the deep conservators of knowledge and power.
Not for nothing did ancient peoples honour the grandmother.
In her calm deliberateness, she winters over our truth, she freezes out false-heartedness.
Look into her eyes, this winter woman.
In their gray spaciousness you can see the future.
Look out of your own winter eyes…You too can see the future.
by Patricia Monaghan
I leave you here at the end of year 2024 savoring the sentiments of the Dark Moon, Winter Woman,
and personal refections. I wish you much happiness, love and a path of enlightenment in the year 2025.
Thanks for reading!
Love and Light,
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